Quality and safety

The most important task of LLC “Maslenytsa” is to provide exceptionally safe and high-quality products that will meet the needs of customers from different parts of the world. LLC “Maslenytsa” meets the standards of food production thanks to continuous quality control of products, compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards in accordance with Russian and international standards as well as automation of technological processes and well-coordinated work of all team members. 

Every year we allocate resources to upgrade our laboratory equipment and conduct training programs for the staff.

The company cooperates only with reliable and trusted suppliers. Each batch of sunflower seeds delivered to the oil extraction plant is fully tested in accordance with the standards of Russian legislation. We carry out thorough quality control of the product at every technological stage.

In total, more than 60 different laboratory tests are carried out throughout the entire production, from receiving seeds to selling the finished product. We strive to eliminate any doubts from our customers about the quality of our sunflower oil and other plant products.

At our oil extraction plant in Kolodezny, the standards of food and feed production are strictly observed in accordance with international requirements. In order to produce, store, transport and sell products on the territory of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, LLC “Maslenytsa” regularly confirms its compliance with the requirements of EAUE technical regulations through the Declaration of Conformity procedure.

Declaration of Conformity is issued as a result of independent laboratory tests and proves the conformity of the products with the safety requirements established in the EAEU countries.

In addition to premium sunflower oil, LLC "Maslenytsa" produces a valuable feed product - high-protein sunflower meal widely used for feeding animals and creating high-quality compound animal feedstuff.



The compliance with the requirements of the Jewish dietary nutrition and other consumption in accordance with the norms of the Jewish religion.


The system of voluntary certification according to the canons of Islam.

FSSC 22000

FSSC 22000 is the international certification scheme of the food safety management system the requirements of which are based on the international standard ISO 22000, HACCP principles and requirements for prerequisite programs, approved by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).


EFISC is the certification scheme for the safety of feed ingredients in Europe. This scheme was developed by European Feed and Food Ingredient Safety Aisbl, an international non-profit organization. 


GMP+ is the international feed safety system adopted by the Dutch Feed Products Council (PDV) and recognized in most countries of the world. The company has implemented the GMP +B3, GMP + B4 standards.


8 (800) 777 50 96info@maslenytca.com115114, г. Moscow, Kozhevnicheskaya st..14, bld.5, fl.10, office ХХ/13