Special Assessment of Working Conditions

History of Oil Extraction Plant “Maslenytsa” LLC

Brief history of the LLC “Maslenytsa” sunflower oil extraction plant in Kolodezny:

2004 – construction of the production complex starts in the village of Kolodezny, Voronezh region

2007 – the first stage of the complex launched

2008 – the modern high-tech plant inaugurated and the second production stage launched

2023 – since February 3, 2023 (“Deal Close Date”), the Company has continued to produce and sell vegetable oils at the oil extraction plant in the Voronezh region already under the control of the new owner. Having come under the control of the new owner, our team continue to adhere to high standards in product quality and customer focus

Today, the LLC “Maslenytsa” oil extraction plant is a high-tech, modern, actively developing enterprise with a team of highly qualified professionals and a well-known reputed brand.

The plant annual capacity is 600 K mt of seeds, which allows the production of up to 250 million bottles of sunflower oil.

Thanks to the consistently high quality of products and affordable prices, our sunflower oil brands have won the trust of consumers nationwide and abroad, and have also received many honorary awards.

The Voronezh oil extraction plant is an explosion and fire hazardous production facility where products of plant origin are stored, processed and used. Occupational safety at our facility has always been one of the main priorities of the company. Specialists conduct regular checks for compliance with safety standards and requirements.

The plant holds regular safety briefings and toolbox talks. New hires of the company must undergo appropriate induction and training on the rules of conduct in the workplace. At the plant, each employee has personal protective equipment. In addition, the facility makes active use of modern technologies which lead to a reduction of risks in production.

This focus on safety allows the company to maintain a high reputation with customers and partners for many years as well as to attract new investors and increase production volumes. There have been no industrial accidents or injuries at the enterprise for more than 10 years.

Since 2014, the plant has been participating annually in events of various levels and has repeatedly become a prize-winner of district, regional and All-Russian labor protection competitions.

An important point in the development of safety culture at the plant was the European recognition and Certificate for excellence in labor protection of own and contractors’ employees.

Our slogan is “Safety First!” This is an invariable and indisputable rule for the organization of production processes and increased hazard activities. For LLC "Maslenytsa", the well-being of employees is of the highest value.

Our awards:


Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Voronezh region for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 3rd place in the regional review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2014 
Certificate of Honor from the Kashirsky municipal district administration for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 1st place in the district review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2015
Certificate of Honor from the Kashirsky municipal district administration for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 1st place in the district review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2016
Certificate of Participation in the All-Russian competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor conditions and safety “Success and Safety 2016". According to the results of the competition, “BUNGE CIS” LLC took the following positions in the All-Russian rating:
1st place on the municipal level
1st place on the regional level
8th place on the national level
Certificate of Honor from the Kashirsky municipal district administration for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 1st place in the district review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2017
Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Voronezh region for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 2d place in the regional review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2017
Letter of Gratitude from the Governor of the Voronezh Region to the team of the “BUNGE CIS” LLC Branch for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 1st place in the regional review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2018
Certificate of Honor from the Kashirsky municipal district administration for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 1st place in the district review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2018
Letter of Gratitude from the Governor of the Voronezh Region to the team of the “BUNGE CIS” LLC Branch for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 2d place in the regional review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2019
Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Voronezh region for the high-level organization of labor protection activities and the 1st place in the regional review competition for the best organization of work in the field of labor protection in 2018

Special Assessment of Working Conditions

In order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions", the plant carries out special assessments.

This assessment is a coherent set of activities aimed at identifying harmful and hazardous conditions in the production environment and labor processes with consideration to deviations from the hygienic standards established by the authorized federal agencies of executive authority.

Based on the assessment results, working conditions’ classes (subclasses) are established for work places.
In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 no. 426-FZ “On special assessment of working conditions” Chapter 2, Article 15, Item 6

Taking into account the requirements of the Russian legislation on personal data protection and the requirements of the Russian legislation on state and other secrets specially protected by law, the Employer shall arrange for the posting of the summarized assessment results in terms of establishing classes (subclasses) of work places and the list of measures to improve the working conditions and labor protection of employees at the work places where the assessment took place on its official website (if any) no later than within thirty calendar days from the date of approval of the assessment report.



8 (800) 777 50 96info@maslenytca.com115114, г. Moscow, Kozhevnicheskaya st..14, bld.5, fl.10, office ХХ/13